
I can’t believe that Miss P will be here in a few short weeks! I am so excited for our family and all of the beautiful moments and chaos that the future holds. And honestly I am also excited to feel strong again! I cannot wait for the 6 week check up when I get the go ahead to start working out. Having a girl come into the picture has me thinking about how I will be the first example Miss P has of positive body image. I want to be strong and confident for her and for me. Here are my “plans” (yes I know, if you want to make God laugh…) to start feeling strong and comfortable in this body of mine again.

-Drinking copious amounts of water! I used to be really good at this in college and it has slowly become an area of weakness. I will be keeping a full water bottle at all times and drinking a glass of water before I start snacking.

-Barre3. I love this programs mixture of yoga and ballet. I also love going to the classes but because of time with two kiddos and a strict budget I’ll be using the at home videos. If it is your first time trying Barre3 I would attend a class (they frequently have specials and free classes) to get the basics down but after that I think the videos are a great alternative!

-Sign up for a 5K (Eugene’s Turkey Trot) 3 months post pregnancy and a 1/2 marathon (Eugene Women’s Half Marathon) one year post pregnancy, with other races in between. Living in Track Town U.S.A., there are a lot of fun, family friendly races available and I am really excited to get back into the running scene.

-Cut out processed sugar! This is by far the hardest part for me, and so of course it is the part that makes the biggest difference.